by Stephen | Apr 3, 2020 | learning to read
Reading For Comprehension There are two methods to learn to read for comprehension: whole language where you memorize every word and phonics where you sound out words. The limitation of whole language is that only about one in three people can memorize fast enough to...
by Stephen | Sep 10, 2018 | learning to read, phonics games
Games For Reading or No Reading At All In third grade our daughter’s teacher who had been with her for 3 years called us into the school to go over Stephanie’s test results. Stef was reading at 12th grade level! Nine years above where her teacher expected....
by Stephen | Sep 10, 2018 | learning to read
What Are Sight Words? Sight words are non-phonetic words that are memorized. Usually they are Dolche sight words which were selected because they frequently appear in print. Memorizing them from a list often leaves the child confused. They will see “the”...