Only One In Three Are A Grade Level Reader
If your child isn’t a grade level reader by the end of third grade he or she has only a one in four chance of ever making it. However, not if he starts using Rocket Phonics. These preschoolers are getting ahead of the game by learning the phonics basics early. They just won their Bingo game (on page 23 of Volume 1 of Rocket Phonics). This teaches them 9 letters and their sounds.
Grade Level Reader For Life
Once they are confident we will switch games where they blend those sounds into words. By the time they enter Kindergarten they will be reading above grade level. After that a 30 minute afterschool Rocket Phonics session in Kindergarten will turn them into lifelong readers. (In their part of town 80% will fail to get to grade level.) It is the goal of the Rocket Phonics Foundation to end the achievement gap in Sarasota and Manatee counties.
The Rocket Phonics Foundation is the charitable arm of Rocket Phonics Inc. We are currently tutoring 55 preschool kids and this summer may expand to 4 sites which are preschool or summer schools. (If you love kids and will let them win their games you can do the same for your community just leave a comment below.)

A 50% Unemployment Rate Is A High Price To Pay
As a result of the kids that don’t ever make it to grade level face a 50% unemployment rate for the rest of their life. This is a high price for an eight-year-old to pay. I tell my volunteers that they can save a life one reader at a time. I know I met similar kids in LA County Jail and all too often I had to their parents the heartbreaking news that their child was dead. This is why I retired and why I train volunteers. Soon I will create a website to actively recruit and train the volunteers. If you want to be a game coach and start this effort in your county leave a comment and I will contact you.
There are 35 million children reading below grade level in the US today. But they don’t have to live in your community. Get Rocket Phonics and leave a legacy.